Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Preparation for our big trip

4th Janurary 2012
The insurance debacle!
Did you know you cannot insure property that you are going to carry in your vehicle under your contents insurance if your contents is in a storage shed. Fail.
So wecan insure the navara, the trailer and the contents of the storage shed but only if it is in the storage shed.
A new plan was needed because our most valuable things will be in the navara with, laptop and fridge.
To solve the problem we are cleaning out a very old room in a grandparents house to store our contents in. This will allow us to take out "portable insurance" protecting the contents of our navara.
It's all very complicated!
Dead mouse count: 1
Loads taken to the tip: 1
A clean room to store our gear in: half ready
It's the journey not the destination...but we haven't even started yet!


  1. Paperwork is always a pain. Good to see though you are nearly ready to hit the road, best of luck guys.

  2. Hi nesa paperwork is a pain. It's all adult like to worry about insurance and it's not very fun! Almost ready to go though. Hope u had a great Xmas and new year.
