Thursday, 16 February 2012

Gourmet Farmer

Some days everything just goes well. You wake up and know its going to be a great day.
On the other hand some days go to sh*t and there is little you can do about it.

Today was one of those magical days where things went right, the stars aligned and cool things happened.

Snug is our home base this week and a big thank you to Sarah for providing us with a bed, shower, washing machine and excellent company!

We tripped into old Hobart town today with a plan just to have a look around. Firstly we grabbed a coffee at Salamanca Place and as it was a cool kinda coffee shop they used those old spoons that little old ladies have in display cabnets from different towns. I look down at the spoon next to my coffee and it is a picture of a silver tree. I thought to myself, I know that tree. Then I looked at the writing and sure enough, you guessed it: Broken Hill.

I could not believe it! As we had such a good time in Broken Hill and miss our home and friends I took this as a good sign.

Mark then taps me and says 'LOOK!' is a whispered but loud voice you only reserve for seeing someone famous or for talking in church. 'What?' I answer wide eyed in that same whispered but very loud voice.

'Gourmet Farmer!' says Mark.
'Really?' I say. Its very exciting as Gourmet Farmer is a show we like on SBS about a man who moved to Tasi to make his own food and be a bit of a high class hippy.
The farmer was not seen again so with the exciting moment passed we finished our coffees and moved on.

Then we spotted this shop filled with people and a camera crew. "Whats happening?" I say to Mark guessed it...the loud whisper.
"I dont know ." he says.

So we pushed our way into this very little shop trying to look innocent. It turns out it is the Farmers shop! He served us and we tried some cheese and honey all on camera! He was nice but a little weird. We bought some cheese and on the way out we were stopped by a girl who asked us to sign media release forms.

This further confirmed my suspicions that we were about to be TV mega stars! In the shop I had tried to seem as interesting as possible but probably just sounded silly! I asked the girl what the chances were of being on tv. In a well worn reply she said "Well we have fillmed lots of footage." Ever the optimist I am sure we will make it on a keep your eyes out!

We walked around the city, got a parking fine (this did not dampen our spirits), shopped at Katmandu, purchased some salmon and damper and ate our Gourmet food at the Botanical Gardens.

It was one of those days where everything just goes right!

In terms of celebrity spotting I think I did quite well not to get over excited or make an idiot of myself. Last time I saw someone famous was at Central Market in Adelaide. He was off Master Chef and as he walked past I looked at him and thought...I know I said hi. Must be someone from Broken Hill I thought to myself. Only later did it dawn on me that I did not know him at all, he was just on the telly. Shame!

Hope everyone had as good a day as us.

Love Krystal

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