Thursday, 19 April 2012

Week 12: Suffix -up

It's week 12!! That's 3 months on the road!!! We had a small change of plan and we are staying in Albany instead of being in a National Park. This is all thanks to a flock of rare white tailed black cockatoos turning our camper trailer white with poo.

We made it across the Nullabor Plains (about 500km) to the border where there is an inspection bay. And then, there is another 700km to Norseman, which is the first town of any substance. From Norseman it's another 200km to the seaside town of Esperance and then another 400km to Stirling National Park. From Stirling NP, it's another 100km to Albany. It is a vast vast country and WA is a big state.

So why the suffix -up? The South West of WA is Noongar country and the local places are named with respect to Aboriginal meanings. Most of these meanings end with up! We have come across plenty of these places so far and we are not even close to seeing all of the South West. Just to mention a few there is: Dalyup, Munglinup, Cheadanup, Lake Chidnup, Jerdacuttup Ck; Lake Pallarup, Jerramngup, Ongerup, Gnowangerup, Pallinup Ck, Amelup, Porongurug.... and more!

Km traveled: about another 2000km!! Taking us to 14000km!!

Places visited: from Ceduna; passed the small roadhouses on the Nullarbor, stopped in Border Village for an inspection; stopped in Norseman for some fuel, got to Esperance for some rest and then traveled onwards to Stirling National Park. We stayed overnight at a little town called Borden, judging from first impressions, the locals are super friendly.

Highlights: beaches around Esperance; the cliffs on the Bight; Stirling NP for its nice walks; sighting an ostrich in the middle of the road on the Nullabor; and getting to see some rare white tailed black cockies.

Lowlights: black cockies pooing on our tent; the wind and dust on the Nullabor and struggling to find a shower (again).

Plans: we are aiming to get into Perth in about a weeks time. We will make our way along the coast and the National Parks, visit the Margaret River and head into Perth.


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    1. Glad you enjoyed the blog. I don't know too much about guest blogging!
