Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Port Hedland Special

Well, my car has been mended a little. We were very fortunate to have a 2nd year apprentice in the campsite at the right time. I must've been looking a little bit pitiful as I was staring into the bonnet and on the phone for help. The fuel filter has been changed!! (Thanks David!)

This post is dedicated to the beauty (sarcasm) of Port Hedland. We have been here for 5 days so we decided to at least use the city as a subject for some photos. 

The busy port of Port Hedland, there are still seven barges visible on the horizon at 4pm.

View from someone's frontyard.

Rio Tinto salt mine

One of the long trains with their ore load. It is reported to be around 250 carriages long

The horizon into the Wedgefield industrial district

BHP's train heading out of town

Welcome to the Industrial District, where there is a line of hi-vis workers lining up for kebabs at lunch time.

The metal yard

Most trucks have four loads

One of the many different car-type accommodation options for workers in Port Hedland. Most sleep on-site.

Wedgefield industrial area is seen across the mangroves at Cooke Point

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