Saturday 17 March 2012


As we sat quietly in our annex this snake attempted to poke his head through the door and enter. Needless to say he was not welcome.

Mark did a great job of trying to defend our home but in the end I could not sleep there as all I could think about was waking up with a snake crawling over my feet; or face!

We packed up and slept in the car that night.

We have now moved to a beautiful camp ground on the Logan river in a town called Bridgewater. It is close to Bendigo and as you will see in our next few posts Bendigo is awesome and we could easily live there.

For now a pic of the snake. It looked bigger and more devil like in real life I assure you. Its head was black like night and it moved in a creepy slither that told of its speed and strength. As I said Mark was very brave and I was a chicken!

Love Krystal

1 comment:

  1. Haha you sound like a writer when describing the snake!
    Glad he didn't bite you!
